Mother and Father doing a high five with 2 children.
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  • Emergency Evacuation Tips
  • Quick Preparation Tips

Ongoing Events

  • Quality Life Planning Workshop – RSVP Only
    First Thursday of every month @ ABQ Office, 6:00 – 8:30 PM.
    6000 Uptown Blvd NE, Suite 100, Albuquerque, NM 87110
    Call 858-GATEWAY (858-428-3929) to RSVP
6000 Uptown Building

Books and Articles

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Quality Life Planning™, Take the If Out of Life & Learn to Live, book by Shane Westhoelter.
Your Quality Life Plan™ focuses on your life goals, your values, and your desired way of life. It takes into consideration not just accumulating enough money to last your whole life, but also how you want to enjoy your life along the way.

We are pleased to offer you a copy of “Quality Life Planning,” for only $19.95

Try to Avoid Using the ‘R’ Word“, article by Shane Westhoelter.
The word “retirement” has so many negative connotations that it’s time to put forth a more positive vision for the time when clients are no longer in the workforce.

personal life pyramid-Shane2016

Marketing In The Age Of Multi-Generational Clients“, an interview with Shane Westhoelter (
Look at the silent generation, the baby boomers, the millennials… there are definable differences in how they shop, how they buy and how they interact with people, specifically within our industry.

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